Maybe a little over the hill, bad storage? Just didn’t live up to past vintages. Surprising from previous vintages I’ve had. Just seemed muted and no clear delineation in flavors and acid.
Maybe a little over the hill, bad storage? Just didn’t live up to past vintages. Surprising from previous vintages I’ve had. Just seemed muted and no clear delineation in flavors and acid.
Oct 2nd, 2017
Dry, lots of minerality, little floral, medium acid.
Dry, lots of minerality, little floral, medium acid.
Aug 11th, 2021
Wonderfull Rose that has gained complexity over last year and drinking at peak. Nose has developed nicely adding earthy darker notes next to the red berries and minerality. Palate has mellowed acidity and at the same time broader more substantial feel where the primary fruit has already peaked. A prime example of a well made Sancerre rose with some bottle age. Great stuff!
Wonderfull Rose that has gained complexity over last year and drinking at peak. Nose has developed nicely adding earthy darker notes next to the red berries and minerality. Palate has mellowed acidity and at the same time broader more substantial feel where the primary fruit has already peaked. A prime example of a well made Sancerre rose with some bottle age. Great stuff!
Jul 21st, 2019