Don't open this now. Way tooooo young. Has been in decanter over an hour. Still tight withdrawn. Red fruit. Some green pepper but not in a bad way. Medium in body. Try this 2018. Had another bottle. Much more open. Good wine but hold.
Don't open this now. Way tooooo young. Has been in decanter over an hour. Still tight withdrawn. Red fruit. Some green pepper but not in a bad way. Medium in body. Try this 2018. Had another bottle. Much more open. Good wine but hold.
1 person found it helpfulMar 5th, 2016
Reflects high-end Bordeaux almost perfectly. Tobacco and green bell peppers, blackberry, oak that tastes old and mellow. On of the nicest Napa Cabs, and a sought after vintage.
Reflects high-end Bordeaux almost perfectly. Tobacco and green bell peppers, blackberry, oak that tastes old and mellow. On of the nicest Napa Cabs, and a sought after vintage.
Apr 7th, 2016
A fine and restrained second wine from Togni. Savory more than fruity even in 2013, and weightless but rich at the same time. The oak will need a while to come around but the tannins are not too overwhelming. This can use a few years.
A fine and restrained second wine from Togni. Savory more than fruity even in 2013, and weightless but rich at the same time. The oak will need a while to come around but the tannins are not too overwhelming. This can use a few years.
Dec 20th, 2016