Jean-Christophe Tanguy
Avec saucisses
William Tremblay
"Une robe sans jambes, c'est une terminologie d'oenologue."M.T."Versez-moi le Rubicon et je passerai au travers."W.T.
Jonathan Bensick
Carried all the way back from the walls of Soave. Quite the bargain (at least in Italy)
Metso had this 5 years ago
Dax Nittolo
Dax had this 6 years ago
Lydia Wxm
Lydia had this 6 years ago
Zendreamer Om
Zendreamer had this 6 years ago
Wil Demandt
Wil had this 6 years ago
Serge Sévigny
Serge had this 7 years ago