This fine wine was aged in the caves of Mordor, between Sauron's all seeing eye and the volcano of destiny. Now you too can drink what orcs drink. Most recently used to kill King Joffrey in Game of Thrones, you can also use it as rat poison in the comfort of your home! No, but seriously, this is some Grade-A bad bad bad, headache inducing, wine.
This fine wine was aged in the caves of Mordor, between Sauron's all seeing eye and the volcano of destiny. Now you too can drink what orcs drink. Most recently used to kill King Joffrey in Game of Thrones, you can also use it as rat poison in the comfort of your home! No, but seriously, this is some Grade-A bad bad bad, headache inducing, wine.
1 person found it helpfulApr 16th, 2017