Excepcional — 7 years ago
Absolutely delicious. Wines like this make memories more intense and valuable. — 8 years ago
It’s good as a table wine, as “vino de pelea”. I’ve been searching for an affordable go-to wine, and this is it for now. Lacks personality but it’s good to the tongue, a little fruity to the taste, and no strange after tastes or notes. For $8 at Trader Joe’s, it’s a decent Rioja. — 6 years ago
Leave your phone now, go to the nearest Whole Foods (or some Safeway) and get a bottle of this Muga. Smooth, delicious Rioja. Worth every nickel. — 8 years ago
This fine wine was aged in the caves of Mordor, between Sauron's all seeing eye and the volcano of destiny. Now you too can drink what orcs drink. Most recently used to kill King Joffrey in Game of Thrones, you can also use it as rat poison in the comfort of your home! No, but seriously, this is some Grade-A bad bad bad, headache inducing, wine. — 8 years ago
Bad. Very bad. Too acidic. Not drinkable even when aerating it. Life is too short for bad wine. Use it for cooking or as a vinegar for your dog’s salads. — 7 years ago
Slightly above average. Pretty earthy. Nice battle wine for $9. I’d lose the screw-in cap. — 8 years ago
Antonio Bustamante
Truly superb. Well balanced, not a single note of acidity. López de Heredia transports you to a different time, when things mattered. This wine matters. — 4 years ago