Jeremy Shanker
Sommelier at RN74
When I drink Napa, I go old school!
Alex MacDonald
1987. A bit past it's prime but still a fun wine to taste.
Jesse Mallgren
Well balanced but not amazing
Richard Driscoll
1987 drinking nervy and just friggin delicious.
Scott Claffee
Not bad.
Dan Fredman
Chef Sommelier World of Pinot Noir
Tannins Very nicely resolved, fruit fading a bit, pretty, older wine
Sam Shepard
Tobacky and dried licorice
Ira Schwartz
Lots of forest floor and decaying earth blending nicely with fading fruit that tried to keep the wooly tannins at bay.
Rick Richards
Kept it too long!
Heath Cordes
Not bad for an old dog!