Kick his ass, Seaglass! No frills — and I mean, NONE! — entry level Pinot offering from a producer with a Welsch’s Grape-sized footprint in America’s grocery stores. Normally wouldn’t even bother, but all these antioxidants seem to be keeping the Covid at bay. That, plus a booster and enough Emergen-C to chemically castrate a water fowl.
Kick his ass, Seaglass! No frills — and I mean, NONE! — entry level Pinot offering from a producer with a Welsch’s Grape-sized footprint in America’s grocery stores. Normally wouldn’t even bother, but all these antioxidants seem to be keeping the Covid at bay. That, plus a booster and enough Emergen-C to chemically castrate a water fowl.
Jan 8th, 2022
Very easy to drink, warm with vanilla notes. All around a nice light bodied wine.
Very easy to drink, warm with vanilla notes. All around a nice light bodied wine.
May 22nd, 2020
Fruity and light, paired well with lemon ricotta, red sauce pizza
Fruity and light, paired well with lemon ricotta, red sauce pizza
Jan 14th, 2020
Very light, very crisp, apples, quick finish
Very light, very crisp, apples, quick finish
Nov 9th, 2019