Somlói Apátsági Pince
Somlói Juhfark

There is really only one grape variety that I know of in the world that deserves to always have an exclamation mark: Juhfark! Or as I like to shout, Juhfaaaaaaaark! (pronounced you-fark). Grown only on the tiny little hill of Somló, an ancient underwater volcano, in Southwestern Hungary, it is among my favorite grape varieties and simply one of the world’s coolest wines. @sap_somlo is one of the best producers of it, coaxing out its bee pollen and chamomile scents and electric neon lemon, citrus peel, and yellow herb flavors, all layered on top of the deep volcanic minerality. The longer you let these wines age, the more they taste like rocks. Tired of the same old flavors in your white wines? Get thee some Juhfark!
There is really only one grape variety that I know of in the world that deserves to always have an exclamation mark: Juhfark! Or as I like to shout, Juhfaaaaaaaark! (pronounced you-fark). Grown only on the tiny little hill of Somló, an ancient underwater volcano, in Southwestern Hungary, it is among my favorite grape varieties and simply one of the world’s coolest wines. @sap_somlo is one of the best producers of it, coaxing out its bee pollen and chamomile scents and electric neon lemon, citrus peel, and yellow herb flavors, all layered on top of the deep volcanic minerality. The longer you let these wines age, the more they taste like rocks. Tired of the same old flavors in your white wines? Get thee some Juhfark!
Nov 5th, 2021