Last cab by soter and a winner! Bouquet is very rich blueberries, currant,greek honey, tobacco, some pepper. Really rich aroma, one that demands a long time to savor. When you finally taste your mouth completely fills with a rich well balanced and complex blend of fruit, tobacco and astringent tannins., A really spectacular treat!
Last cab by soter and a winner! Bouquet is very rich blueberries, currant,greek honey, tobacco, some pepper. Really rich aroma, one that demands a long time to savor. When you finally taste your mouth completely fills with a rich well balanced and complex blend of fruit, tobacco and astringent tannins., A really spectacular treat!
Jan 16th, 2016
Rose nibs, smells a little hot, light leather on nose - super tight...bright red fruit, med tannins med+ mouth , cab is very present - not 100%, subtle style, lingering tartness on finish - light dry
Rose nibs, smells a little hot, light leather on nose - super tight...bright red fruit, med tannins med+ mouth , cab is very present - not 100%, subtle style, lingering tartness on finish - light dry
Jan 27th, 2014
Super well balanced wine, mouthfeel, tanning, acidity! The winemaker is not making any more wine and sold his property.
Super well balanced wine, mouthfeel, tanning, acidity! The winemaker is not making any more wine and sold his property.
Dec 20th, 2013