Really nice, favorable, smooth white wine from Trader Joe's
Really nice, favorable, smooth white wine from Trader Joe's
Sep 29th, 2013Thought I remembered not liking four buck Chuck Chardonnay, but it's not bad. Kind of sweet. Clean after taste. Smells like green grapes.
Thought I remembered not liking four buck Chuck Chardonnay, but it's not bad. Kind of sweet. Clean after taste. Smells like green grapes.
Aug 1st, 2013A $7 wine for $2.99 everyday price. Fair on the nose, fair on the tongue, fair on the finish.
A $7 wine for $2.99 everyday price. Fair on the nose, fair on the tongue, fair on the finish.
Jul 18th, 2013Chardonnay - Charles Shaw Stone fruits, ripe pear, ripe, roasted pineapple, (Viognier = melon, peach) Ripeness, but oakiness is more sawdust. More mellow, not refined
Chardonnay - Charles Shaw Stone fruits, ripe pear, ripe, roasted pineapple, (Viognier = melon, peach) Ripeness, but oakiness is more sawdust. More mellow, not refined
May 15th, 2013