Von Winning

Ungeheuer GG Riesling

9.310 ratings
9.22 pro ratings
Pfalz, Germany
Pork, Squash & Root Vegetables, Chili & Hot Spicy, White Fish, Fruit Desserts, Meaty & Oily Fish, Duck, Goat & Feta Cheese, Blue Cheese
Top Notes For

mit selbstgemachter Seezunge, Spargel, Kartoffel. Uiii

mit selbstgemachter Seezunge, Spargel, Kartoffel. Uiii

Apr 21st, 2019
Wivino Mann

In der Nase feine Honigaromen,gut eingebundene Holznoten. Am Gaumen mit viel Druck, wirkt sehr offen und charmant. Hinten raus mächtig mit Zug 🚂🚂 mit etwas Luft kommt Minze und leicht nussige Aromen hinzu

In der Nase feine Honigaromen,gut eingebundene Holznoten. Am Gaumen mit viel Druck, wirkt sehr offen und charmant. Hinten raus mächtig mit Zug 🚂🚂 mit etwas Luft kommt Minze und leicht nussige Aromen hinzu

Feb 10th, 2017

GW Winning tasting 10/24/16. Terrific nose of citric fruits and salinity and stone fruits. Palate that's powerful in structure and firm body and very long finish of complexity and salty and acidic. sandstone limestone and even volcanic balsalt. Historic powerhouse of Pfalz.

GW Winning tasting 10/24/16. Terrific nose of citric fruits and salinity and stone fruits. Palate that's powerful in structure and firm body and very long finish of complexity and salty and acidic. sandstone limestone and even volcanic balsalt. Historic powerhouse of Pfalz.

Oct 25th, 2016
Riddley Walker

Бузина, цветы вишни, яблочная пастила, годзи, абрикосы, белая смородина. Объемно и полно, с уверенным телом, но не перегружено дубом. Ягодно и спело, при этом с хорошей структурой, органичной минеральностью и хорошо сбалансированной кислотностью. Не суперсложно или строго, но статно и выразительно.

Бузина, цветы вишни, яблочная пастила, годзи, абрикосы, белая смородина. Объемно и полно, с уверенным телом, но не перегружено дубом. Ягодно и спело, при этом с хорошей структурой, органичной минеральностью и хорошо сбалансированной кислотностью. Не суперсложно или строго, но статно и выразительно.

Jul 10th, 2016
Brian Hearty

2014. Stone fruits, minerality, and nice acidity. Loved this wine paired with Boiler Room's braised calamari and salmon rillettes.

2014. Stone fruits, minerality, and nice acidity. Loved this wine paired with Boiler Room's braised calamari and salmon rillettes.

May 19th, 2016
Mathias Rauscher

Still takes a while till the acid is better integrated - has great potential though

Still takes a while till the acid is better integrated - has great potential though

Nov 29th, 2015
Justin Chin

Justin had this 8 years ago

Justin had this 8 years ago

Jul 15th, 2017
Tyler Hensley

Account Manager at LDF Sales & Distributing


Tyler had this 9 years ago

Tyler had this 9 years ago

Jul 9th, 2016

boyd had this 9 years ago

boyd had this 9 years ago

Jun 22nd, 2016
John Brenton Dodd

John had this 9 years ago

John had this 9 years ago

Aug 18th, 2016