Yum — 11 years ago
Delicious! — 11 years ago
A wine to savor and enjoy! This cab has many layers with a finish that continues to build as the moments pass after every sip. Fairly prominent tannins but smooth and bold. — 10 years ago
Chard served on Virgin Airlines, impressive for what's up in the air! — 11 years ago
Alana had this 11 years ago
Best "inexpensive" wine under $10! Wow. — 11 years ago
Perfecto! Unique, full body, fruit forward, earthy... Mmmm — 11 years ago
Alana Hope
Light like a Pinot. Not jammy or oaky at first. The alcohol overpowers the flavors in the wine giving it an acidic finish until it opens up to be a decent glass of wine. This is part of a wine tasting experiment. I bought one of each Red at a low price point at Costco to see if I could find any inexpensive gems. Hoping this bottle opens up. If not, it's going in the unlikely-to-buy-again bucket. — 8 years ago