Super light, effervescence in red kinda weirds me out, but good to drink a bunch of quickly when chilled. — 4 years ago
One of the January ‘21 selections from Verve Wine’s Grand Tour subscription. Takes me back to Italy - like a great house wine this is better than the price point. Verve says go with pork ragu but we did Berkeley’s Cheese Board veggie pizza and it’s all there, it quenches and you want more, a perfect dinner wine. Love it. — 4 years ago
Light floral grapefruit, maybe a little too floral for my taste as a look for bright bold pet-nats are more my taste. — 3 years ago
Delicious. Rich. Juicy not grippy. Kind of does a whole lot. Really good with steak. — 4 years ago
A little funked up butterscotch. Starts small then drinks big. Has some kind of strange old people after dinner drink vibes but is really pleasing. Have no idea what to pair it with. — 4 years ago
We drank with a very rich duck confit, and it was the perfect match. A similarly rich wine, dark berries, with some cab tendencies as others have said. It has leather, fruit, a big flavor, and should be drank with an equally rich dish. — 5 years ago
Oh ok! Somewhere in the upper half of sweetness for Riesling but not too much, tough to find those, so I’m in. — 4 years ago
Don’t sleep on this wine! Actually, open it then sleep on it, then sleep on it again. After 2 nights in the fridge this wine really settled down (very acidic at first) into a really nice dark rich smooth grilling pair. — 4 years ago
An any time of day drinker. Had with a mushroom toast, you should try my mushroom toast. Need to come back to this wild some shellfish. — 4 years ago
Benedict Fox
Pretty fantastic. Light and fresh, perfect acidity. Got lucky and had with a mushroom/artichoke pasta and it was the perfect pairing. Should be a regular. — 3 years ago