If "disinteresed hand job" came in a bottle of wine, this is that wine. — 9 years ago
Most people notice the cherries but I'm into it for the faint tobacco aroma. If women smelled this great I'd be even straighter and probably respect them more. — 9 years ago
Higher rating because this is my go to thanksgiving wine . — 9 years ago
Hitchcock would have loved this wine. If I had a hallway of the blood flood I would like for it to he this wine. Pls — 9 years ago
Bottle is shaped like a penis. That's what penis looks like right? — 9 years ago
It even smells like chicken. Some say If You drink the whole bottle you'll turn intbok...bok......bok....bok bok.... Bok bok bok bok bok bok bok bok bok bok bok bok bok bok....... Bok bok? Bok. Bok bok. — 9 years ago
Diego Cole
Diego had this 9 years ago