Sultry, just a tad on the moodier side but with a bodacious fruitful presence. Drinks like a much more complex full bodied red after being open for a few days. Incredible value for the TJ economizing wine enthusiast. Honedew on the nose with a gentle marzipan finish. Pair with a good white cheese and Miles Davis' Sketches of Spain for an unforgettable trip to wine heaven. — 9 years ago
Incredible finish, balanced smooth fruit tones, velvety and delicious chocolatey touch. — 7 years ago
Incroyable, buenissimo — 8 years ago
This budget blend puts up a good fight and has a little roundness to the cherry undertones but ultimately falls short of a full production value cuvee. Great to pair with some cheese while enjoying a good book not so much to impress your winey pals with. — 9 years ago
Incroyable! — 7 years ago
Smooth, medium bodied and lively. Just right for an evening of socializing.. — 8 years ago
Medium bodied, perky and brightly tuned like a new Steinway. A hint of spice rounds out a smooth finish with just the right amount of fruit. I had a feeling this bargain TJ Italian find wouldn't disappoint and I was right! — 9 years ago
Elijah Ka
Its divine perfection. Fruit forward with the bourbon kicking ass and taking names all the way to 16%ABV. This one is for the books! — 6 years ago