Spicy, a little tart, and jammy. — 6 years ago
Thin and tart. Feels like it’s missing a lot, but it’s got a pretty long finish to it — 6 years ago
Medium sweet. Good amount of tart and acidity. Lightly fruity and floral. Medium finish with some dryness and spice — 5 years ago
Eric had this 6 years ago
Not bad, but it’s lacking a lot of everything. — 6 years ago
Sweet, honey, just a little bit of tang and fruit, like apple cider. Just noticeably viscous, and a tiny bit of bubbles. Not too far from apple cider with honey to thicken actually...not bad but not great — 6 years ago
Fruity and bright nose, slightly farmy. Taste is light, tart, berry, and medium dryness — 5 years ago
Very dark, almost violet color. Deep dark flavors, mostly chocolate and currant. It’s a bit sugary side, but not too bad with the soft mouthfeel, giving it its “jammy with milk chocolate” as described on the bottle — 5 years ago
Sweet and juicy just as they claim, more on the jammy side. Easy drinking on its own. — 6 years ago
Eric Cheung
Kind of thin, still pretty sweet and jammy but dry finish. Mostly fruit forward with some lingering woody flavors. It’s ok, was $5.50 on sale at Costco. — 4 years ago