Frizzle had this 10 years ago
Hopping trains one can not help but become lean and sturdy, with a hint of sweetness that comes from melancholy wisdom. — 10 years ago
Years back a plush monkey wearing a sombrero cradled a small acrylic painting of my own sat in a well maintained yet delicately musty loafer with a soviet hammer and sickle I'd also painted on the side was placed on my friends doorstep in the middle of the night. Shortly after my friend opened the door to quite a surprise, he was deep in the land of mushrooms, so deep he required conformation of the loafer monkeys existence. The complexity of that situation is not unlike this leathery, light, and colorful display. — 10 years ago
Frizzle had this 10 years ago
The glasses made a pretty sound when they clang. I like the shape of the glass. A bit larger than a 60s VW piston but far more classy. I miss my '69 Bug. As with this tender wine I am learning a lot about life and it's warm embrace. — 10 years ago
Frizzle Manamana
A "Rhone-style blend", I won't argue. It's a rustic part of Rhone, like ol' Grandpappy would make! — 10 years ago