Les Vins de Vienne (Cuilleron Gaillard Villard)

St. Joseph Syrah

9.25 ratings
9.12 pro ratings
St. Joseph, Northern Rhône, Rhône, France
Top Notes For
Laurel Ludicrum

forever. gone

forever. gone

1 person found it helpfulAug 11th, 2015
Frizzle Manamana

Years back a plush monkey wearing a sombrero cradled a small acrylic painting of my own sat in a well maintained yet delicately musty loafer with a soviet hammer and sickle I'd also painted on the side was placed on my friends doorstep in the middle of the night. Shortly after my friend opened the door to quite a surprise, he was deep in the land of mushrooms, so deep he required conformation of the loafer monkeys existence. The complexity of that situation is not unlike this leathery, light, and colorful display.

Years back a plush monkey wearing a sombrero cradled a small acrylic painting of my own sat in a well maintained yet delicately musty loafer with a soviet hammer and sickle I'd also painted on the side was placed on my friends doorstep in the middle of the night. Shortly after my friend opened the door to quite a surprise, he was deep in the land of mushrooms, so deep he required conformation of the loafer monkeys existence. The complexity of that situation is not unlike this leathery, light, and colorful display.

Aug 11th, 2015
Lauren Harner

Lauren had this 10 years ago

Lauren had this 10 years ago

Jun 6th, 2015
Zak Kilson

Zak had this 10 years ago

Zak had this 10 years ago

Jan 21st, 2015
Sean Fischa

Sean had this 10 years ago

Sean had this 10 years ago

Apr 27th, 2015