Very intense for this 2009 vintage. Need to brief for a long while. A bit sweet like a Napa at first sip but with a distinct French / St. Emilion after finish. — 10 years ago
Young but delicious. Give it 2-4 years, the wine will open up more. Berry n licorice aftertaste. A super Tuscan that's worthy of more attention. — 10 years ago
Mon Dieux (My God) ! One must try a Montrachet from DRC at least once in his or her lifetime. I had this 1997 vintage today, my birthday with my wife. The caliber of DRC's Montrachet is beyond words. Honey, roasted nut finishing lasted until your next sip. Deep golden color says it all. We were courageous to accompany this nectar with roasted Peking duck. And the match was brilliant and in my opinion, well rewarded ! Try this, and be adventurous! — 10 years ago
Wonderful for this Napa. Sweet and intense. Needs few hours to brief before drinking. Goes well with meat and pasta dishes. — 10 years ago
Medium body; vegetal finish; good aroma when bottle was first opened but quickly faded away. Not bad for a second label of a decent chateaux. — 10 years ago
I've been saving this bottle for a special occasion but simply couldn't wait. Bit worried about its longevity! Surprise. Very drinkable and definitely uniquely French beyond doubt. Nugget and honey filled my glass. I'm glad to share this bottle with no one else but my lovely wife. Just wondering how is this compared to a Montrachet from DRC. Comments from anyone? — 10 years ago
Excellent excellent full body chardonnay. Very impressive and memorable! — 10 years ago
Ok, a bit downhill for this 2000 vintage! — 10 years ago
Burgundian. Still young. Take another 2-3 years to open up will be more appealing. — 10 years ago
Gerald C
Just tasted a 1993 vintage. I wasn't too hopeful taken into account of its age. But it turns out beyond expectation. Lots of honey on the nose and very complex on tasting. It took at least an hour to open up. The longer the better. No rush. So, be patient my friends. Enjoy it for the whole evening. Something to impress your sweetheart if you're with her on a first date. Lots to talk about and boost your knowledge about good wines and good life. You never know what follows then .... — 9 years ago