Pleasant surprise- very balanced with solid structure. Blueberry and boysenberry prevalent with somewhat of a chocolate undertone. I’m going to purchase additional. — 7 years ago
2009 vintage. Great color. Expected more in the nose but needless to say pleasant. Mocha style taste with smooth berry fruit nuances. Nothing overpowering. Very balanced fro start to finish — 8 years ago
Deep ruby color that has thick legs after swirling. Full berry taste with hints of blueberry emphasis. Lingering finish. Wonderful wine — 6 years ago
Enjoyable red with strong full body. Jammy fruit with pleasant smooth finish. — 7 years ago
Big taste that circles the tongue but not overpowering. Great structure that provides a consistent fruit. Hint of blueberry on the finish with a taste of chocolate. Needs a little time to open up. Will be buying again. — 7 years ago
Dark berries with emphasis on boysenberry. Pleasant finish with mild tannins. Take the time to let this one open. — 7 years ago
Decent full body at a inexpensive price point. Hint of blueberry. Not a bad choice if you need a quick wine to sit at the fire pit — 7 years ago
Very consistent taste bottle to bottle. Great fruit that circles the tongue. Solid lasting finish that has you asking for more. This wine helped steer me to becoming a big fan of Rioja — 8 years ago
Initially slightly tart on initial taste. Restaurant did not allow time to breathe. Once the wine opened the mixed berries with a hint of chocolate was prevalent. Solid lingering finish. Would purchase again — 8 years ago
James Lang
Beautiful dark color with an awesome nose. Full bodied complete berry profile. Emphasis on blueberry and blackberry. Hints of chocolate and leathery tones. Loved the smooth finish — 5 years ago