Light bodied pinot. Great to slap down with burgers or steak but still delicate enough to sip on during aperitivo. — 5 years ago
Jessica had this 9 months ago
This is the Tualatin Estate Vineyard 2019 vintage. You could drink this with hearty fall or root vegetables and some caramelized sausage for a real tastebud treat, but why would you want to when it’s this good all on its own? — 4 years ago
Jessica had this 5 years ago
An earthy, jammy pinot. Reminds me of the J Swan zin from the early 2000s. Hear it’s better decanted and best aged, but I would drink this again in a heartbeat. Had with spicy sausage penne in a pesto cream sauce. — 6 years ago
File this under Pinots I Didn’t Hate. Smooth and velvety, this ruby knockout goes down easy. We paired it with some real pedestrian food - rice one night, burgers another, but the juxtaposition of this silky, refined number against the simple, brutish flavors was outstanding. She’s a keeper this one. — 3 years ago
Another fantastic Loire white that makes you feel the crisp sea air while you’re shoveling clams into your mouth. Shame I opened this mid-August when it should really have been on the table all summer. Also a shame my husband never got to try it but you snooze you lose with Loires in this household. Still a great white to be paired with seafood, thai, or roasted chicken. Would be great for thanksgiving too. — 5 years ago
Everything I wanted in a red and just didn’t know it. Earthy, bold, full of surprises. Plan to pop this one open on the reg. — 5 years ago
Jessica had this 7 months ago