I usually love this wine as a inexpensive but constantly good tasting cab.... this year is trash. Heavy tobacco nose, overly dirt flavored and more harsh than usual. I actually poured out the rest of the bottle. I'll try one again next year — a year ago
Well balanced with oak and dark fruits, full bodied enough for steak but not overpowering. Good wine for aging a few years. — 2 years ago
Ruby color, medium body, light nose. Mild fruit with pronounced oak flavors. Moderate tannin and noted alcohol finish without being harsh. 4/5 of our Blind tasters chose the oak creek of the same year — a year ago
Fruitnforward for a cab. Well balanced, earthy finish. Excellent flavor and drinkability. Punching high above its listed price. — a year ago
Mellow nose, hints of peat and mild fruit. Very smooth. Excellent pearing for delicate meats or heavy fish. — 2 years ago
Dark red color, heavy tobacco nose, dark stone fruit and berry flavors, light mellow finish ight on tannin. Probably past peak for 2004 vintage but still very good. — 2 years ago
Ruby color, medium body, dark stone fruit first then earthy finish with moderate tannin. Excellent wine for a local AZ variety. — a year ago
Earthy nose, full bodied, high tannin and alcohol finish without being harsh. Drank on same day as the Francis Copila directors cut cab and dispite this being higher rated/ more expensive, I liked the other one better. — a year ago
Earthy nose for a merlot, well balanced but not overly flavorful. — 2 years ago
michael robers
Deep red garnet color. Earth almost smokey nose. Subtle fruit/jam at first with a stronger earthy finish. Medium bodied. Moderate tannins at the end without being harsh good to drink now or age. — 7 months ago