Could not drink. Bitter and smelled a little like grandma's closet. — 9 years ago
Trousseau, and not Jura at that! Super light, a little floral, and wow, is this stuff drinkable. Dangerously drinkable. — 8 years ago
White Rioja! Don't drink much of this but great! Floral and funky. — 8 years ago
Delicious and nicely balanced. Might make me cheat on my French Rosé — 8 years ago
Had this after dinner in Tuscaloosa, brilliant wine. Rich, complex dark fruits, cedar, and clove actually. — 9 years ago
Mike Harp
Tasty stuff from the Alsace, while having lunch in Colmar. Apples, lemons, limes, and white flowers. A bit on the drier side of Vendanges, which means it's still fairly sweet, but is well balanced. Lovely with the FoisGras and the Flambee Tart. — 8 years ago