Lock me away for infanticide, because opening this baby was nothing less. All of the pieces were there, structure, dark fruit, rich baking spices...but they were all hidden below a vail of green astringency. Another few years and that same note will open into beautiful sage, or smoky woods.
Lock me away for infanticide, because opening this baby was nothing less. All of the pieces were there, structure, dark fruit, rich baking spices...but they were all hidden below a vail of green astringency. Another few years and that same note will open into beautiful sage, or smoky woods.
Oct 14th, 2016
Density good, texture ok, complexity a little lackluster, acidity flabby.
Density good, texture ok, complexity a little lackluster, acidity flabby.
Mar 4th, 2024
Big, full blend that is cab lead, both sav and franc with the former the dominant. Deep dark berry with a soft leathery thing going. If you guests like a big wine, this is the ticket. This vintage needed little coaxing to be ready.
Big, full blend that is cab lead, both sav and franc with the former the dominant. Deep dark berry with a soft leathery thing going. If you guests like a big wine, this is the ticket. This vintage needed little coaxing to be ready.
Feb 21st, 2022