Veronica goto white wine with the food here. Great stuff! — 9 years ago
Solid everyday drinking wine. Love the Rhone varietals that are being produced outside of Rhone. Good price point for this. — 9 years ago
Mike had this 8 years ago
Wow!!!!! Great acid, perfect body and fruit, but not a bomb. Gonna get a case or so. — 9 years ago
A personal favorite of the Som's when u asked for something off of the beaten path. Great acid which makes it feel effervescent. Initial palate send like its going to be a piece of candy. It's anything but. Full of body, not too austere. Great. — 8 years ago
Absinthe had the '00. Beautiful, balanced and light wine. Slightly mineraly, thanks to the Silex. — 9 years ago
Matt and Karen Kramer opened this up in a magnum for dinner. So generous. — 9 years ago
Mike Petonic
Ok. Totally convinced that this vineyard knows how to do great wine. For this quality, the price point is insane. Seriously. OAK VILLE CAB. Say no more. Gonna stock up. — 8 years ago