Portugal whaaat! Underappreciated. Completely underappreciated. Some say spanish wine is over produced...i dont like tampranillo unless its blended. But portugal is quite impressive. For the price absolutely outstanding — 8 years ago
Give this wine a day to breathe. Honestly this wine tastes like a good watered down pinot noir with a moderate sour aftertaste. However the winery is beautiful and its very hard to grow reds in new england. — 8 years ago
10 dollars...trader joes its a melody of fruit and body. Its all thanks to california. Sorry france. Sorry south africa. ..perhaps argentina and chile can perform. But this solidifies california for cabs. And washington and oregon and burgundy has pinot — 8 years ago
I think this was 8 or 9 bucks...are you serious? Amazing for that price. Its a basic table wine but bring it to your next party — 8 years ago
Vermentino grape. Yes it is like a more starch filled chardonnay
Sweeter than chardonnay but a good dry wine. It gets 9.1 because its new and i am 5 glasses deep on a saturday after a pile of beautiful rhode island muscles. Littlenecks and oysters. I would buy this wine again under a 20 dollar price point because i dont care how much i make a year its worth 20 or less. — 8 years ago
10 dollars! 10 dollars! They should charge 25 all day. Blind taste this against any other blend for 20 dollars and it wins all day. Buy it you wont be sorry — 8 years ago
I love oak on french wines..it helps cut the sweetness of this wine dramatically. For 17 dollars this is a good solid wine. I dont love it. But who loves gewurz Its a crowd pleaser but just that. — 8 years ago
Expensive but why you ask
...no reason this wine is not worth it. Save your money it tastes like a rose — 8 years ago
Great nose. Great body and legs. Good finish just a Beautiful experience — 8 years ago
mitch connell
Where many rose have a brightness immediately on the tip of the tongue and then the flavor disapears. This wine just begins when others end. All in all very solid and for a 10 dollar asking price at over charged whole foods...its worth a 9.0 rating. — 7 years ago