Nicke had this 9 years ago
Young fresh aroma, fruity,
tropical fruit (peach, nectarine)
minerals, fat, aromatic
High acidity, rich and buttery,
especially in the aftertaste
where vanilla arrive.
Tropical fruit, mineral.
Very good — 9 years ago
Nicke had this 8 years ago
color. Lots of berries nicely mixid with pepper, chocolate and herbs, big
elegant scent. The Syrah of the blend is a bit dominating. Medium bodied with
high acidity, too young to drink in my opinion. Many say that the high 15%
alchol is balanced with the fruit but i dont agree, i think it way to
protruding. I belive it has potential if aged a couple of years. — 9 years ago
Fruity, aromatic and easy to drink. God value. — 9 years ago
Mörk blåröd färg. Mycket tät.
Röda bär, charkuterier, ört, fyllig och stor doft, kryddig.
Bra syra, kryddig och lite eldig, ört, medium tanniner, kaffe — 9 years ago
Lovely scent with citrus, some minerals, butter and lots of yellow apples. There was a hint of petroleum at first sniff. Crisp and silky smooth in the mouth. High acidity and a nice and long and a bit flinty aftertaste. A new favorite! — 9 years ago
Fruktig doft med inslag av karamel och citrus. Viss nötighet kan även kännas.
Torr och fruktig, smakar mycket röda äpplen. Fyller munnen riktigt härligt. Syran är pigg men balanserad.
Riktigt härligt mousserade vin, rekommenderas! — 9 years ago
Color: Dark dense bleu-red with transperent edge.
Scent: Fruity with black currant and dark berries. Perfume, levendel and some white pepper. Damp leaves and earthy. Medium+ intensity.
Taste: High acidity and well balanced against the mild tannins . Berry and fruity, long aftertaste, herbs and a bit earthy. — 9 years ago
Nicke E
Ett bra vin, mycket för pengarna. Frukt och bär. Körsbär, blåbär. Tydliga Köttiga toner, typ Syrah vilket förvånade mig med bara 5 % syrah. Ganska mycket doft.
Lakrits I smaken. Bärig. Blåbär. Viol.
Medium strävhet. Hög syra. Kort eftersmak, lite peppar. Fyllighet. — 8 years ago