Just sublime and jumping out the glass with leafpile, honeysuckle, and gym socks like only bourgognes can do. — 2 years ago
Hoo ah! Still opening up but there is a densely packed jungle of currants and licorice and velcro tannins in here. All in silk pyjamas. Good night. — 5 years ago
Super deep currant and brambles, hint of clove. Aged to perfection now, still a little bit acidic on the open and mellows in 30 minutes. thanks Emily!! — 2 years ago
Last bottle… silky smooth tart cherry fruit and some peppery spice and other subtleties. just delightful. — 3 years ago
Super delicious and still full of funk and flavor an hour open. As others have said, silky, tobacco, cherry, all the things. I guess I would summarize as delicious w pork chops, Japanese white sweet potatoes, and rapini. — 2 years ago
on first glug pretty lovely. ripe black cherries, tea on the nose. smoothed out tannins. this will def get us through online parent/teacher meetings! — 4 years ago
Nicolas Owens
Super w some Asian food and loved ones. Even after all these years, crisp and dry with glorious odours. — 2 years ago