Very full, dark and wonderful soft finish. Drinking perfectly at 22 years old. — 6 years ago
Pleasant drinking full bodied wine. Great value for the quality. — 6 years ago
Just awesome and drank so full out of the bottle. As she decanted she became a bit lighter. Next bottle I don’t decant and she’ll hold her pop. Always one of my favourites and did not disappoint. — 5 years ago
Could use another 5 years + to soften. Still a bit sharp around the edges but lots to this wine that will blend together as it ages. — 6 years ago
Yes. Lots going on here and awesome value. Big Bordeaux with a huge bouquet and an awesome finish. — 6 years ago
Raye Ackerman
We decanted and let her warm up from the cellar. Phenomenal as she warmed up and still felt tight and spicy and continued to develop. Reached a massive peak of fullness and complexity faster than expected about 90 minutes after decanting and started to flatten and loose something from there. Final glass to end the evening a full 3 hours later and there was still something there but next time, I would not decant. Rated based on the best drinking period. — 4 years ago