Delicious and sweet without being cloying. Would be great in the summer, tasty with bacon. — 10 years ago
Meaty, jam undertones. Olive and almost floral notes. Green peppers and olives on the palette. Just yum. — 11 years ago
Poopy and sweet. Charcoal, graphite, tart cherries on the back. Plum, raisin, and cooked black fruit. — 11 years ago
Smooth with a little sweet note. Tannic on the back of the palette. — 10 years ago
Red berries and sharp in the nose. Typical jammy and dark meat undertones. Big and tasty. — 11 years ago
Effervescent and delicious. Not overly sweet. Tart on the tip of the tongue. Citrus with mossy leaves underneath. — 11 years ago
Green apple on the nose, missy undertones. Tart and lemony on the front. — 10 years ago
Green olive on the nose... Olives on the palette with soft dark fruit underneath. — 11 years ago
Sweeter than I expected. Toasted coconut and crème brûlée on the nose and tip of the tongue. Mossy and acidic underneath. Almost a hint of citrus.
— 11 years ago
Shannon Jones
Almost effervescent. Tannic and tart. Spice mid palette. — 10 years ago