Tasted 2x over the past 2 wks with consistent notes: Almost sweetish fruit nicely balanced by acidity; Long, very slightly astringent finish. A **steal** @ $5.95, particularly since I suspect continued nice drinking into '18.
— 8 years ago
[Tasted 8/9/16] IMHO this waaaaaaaaay overachieves @ COSTCO's $8.99. Initially purchased for immediate consumption [& one can certainly utilize it thus], I hope NOT to touch my remaining 2 bottles 'til at least 2018, as, IMHO, this currently stalwart offering is likely to get even better. [And to think COSTCO had no hype whatsoever on this.] :(
— 9 years ago
[Tried 6/7/15] While not UNpleasant, neither can I perceive a reason to purchase this light bodied offering, particularly NOT @ the $12.99 which we overpd for it.
— 9 years ago
While nice enough for the mid $30s, one CAN do better for less.
— 6 years ago
Tasted 2x over the past 8 days, once @ a shop's tasting, the other from our own bottle, that one getting progressively better over 3 days (Private Preserve only applied after Day 1)! I QUITE agree with others here that there's a decided "bite"/"strength" [in a negative sense]/astringency when first opened, though even that begins mitigating with air in the glass. However, once THAT is overcome this becomes [IMHO] a **steal** @ $6.95, which my score takes into account.
— 8 years ago
[Tasted 8/12/16] I've mixed emotions re this, as do others who've commented upon here & elsewhere. However, @ this price pt I DO think it is worth another look -- particularly considering its youth & that the body had MARKEDLY increased by Day 2. On the other hand, the finish was VERY nondescript both days, & 2/3 of us at least occasionally got an odd, almost metallic note on the finish. To be revisited -- 'less our local COSTCOs sell out? [Score based upon the QPR of $6.99, a notably *limited* universe. :( ]
— 9 years ago
FRAGRANT with NICE fruit on the front, then quickly turns puckery (& I tolerate acidity well). IMHO *needs* food @ this juncture, with which it might do reasonably well. My score reflects the QPR of $9.95, @ which I'd probably not repurchase, certainly not for a couple of $ more.
— 8 years ago
[Tasted 8/26/16] Rich, RIPE, yet with some finishing astringency that implies it's still on the upswing. My score at least attempts to take into account the QPR of such INCREDIBLE substance/BOLDNESS @ a COSTCO $6.99 "special"!
— 9 years ago
While decent enough @ this price [the QPR of which is reflected by my score], I personally prefer the '15 Kirkland Sig Select Cotes du Rhone Villages @ the same price [assuming you're a COSTCO member], or **definitely** the '14 Tilia Malbec Mendoza, which 1/3 of the local COSTCOs I check still have @ $7.49, the Tilia also being a justifiable [IMHO] WA 90 pt wine. My reasoning: Either the Kirkland CdR or the Tilia offer more substance & potential than does this Pontificis, which I'd not keep beyond 2016.
— 9 years ago
A simply OUTSTANDING wine -- particularly if one can find it for < $20! Moreover, drinkable NOW (PnP) as well as perhaps even being able to approach its 10th!
— 6 years ago