Grrat fruits in this wine. Aged so well. Very smooth taste with plenty of flavors.
Had with some home made pasta and a pork chop made at 17Summer. Enjoy with special friends like Deegan, who treated us! Happy New Year!! — 9 years ago
We had the 1997 to top off a superb evening of fine food at 17Summer in Lodi, NJ. Well worth the wait. Aged nicely. May have passed the peak but good tastes still abound. — 9 years ago
Smooth, goes nice with a strip steak. Nice blend. Ready to drink now. Enjoy — 9 years ago
Time is now!! Definitely ready for enjoying with some good friends and family. Nice compliment to dessert after a great meal. — 9 years ago
This is an awesome wine with a plate of beef --whether in South Beach for a Giants victory or not!! On lighter side. Great taste of fruits very detectable, it open up for a few minutes. Really enjoyable and probably only gets better with a few more years of maturing. — 9 years ago
Smooth. Aged very well. No problem getting his down with special friends and some nice chocolate desserts!! Time is now! — 9 years ago
Very nice '12 from California. Had never tasted it before and decided to try, as I have a fee of their Pinots. Nice smooth taste with melon taste and some other fruits that a more distinguished palate could separate. For the price point of $25, thought it was really good. Proves to me that Cali '12 and '13 are great to drink. — 9 years ago
We had the 1997. Site won't recognize photo. Imagine if i tried to post one of me!!! Wine ages well but might have past the peak. Went well with some spicy dishes that we enjoyed with special friends. — 9 years ago
Dancing Bear received a 99 Parker rating for.a reason. Taste was awesome and got better as I let it breathe a bit-- but it was too good to have sit that long!! Good thing I was able to get some additional inventory for future consumption. Recommend gathering as much as one can find. It is headed to perfection!! — 9 years ago
Steve Lazarus
Has aged well. Smooth as can be. Great to enjoy with good friends who appreciate the taste of a really good bottle. — 9 years ago