Huge! The tears came and came. Cassis on the nose and ripe cherries on the palette. So warm. So yum — 8 years ago
This is a rustic full wine. It satisfies your warm and fuzzies. It satisfies your outdoors. I satisfies your mochas. Surprisingly good. — 8 years ago
So fresh! Raspberries, bright red cherries, so fruity. Serve 3 degrees cooler than room temperature and it's a great start to Wine Wednesday! — 8 years ago
Apricot on the nose, peach on the palette. Sooooooooo yum. A great representation of what Niagara Riesling can do. — 8 years ago
Spicy, peppery, black cherries, coffee, and oh so warm — 8 years ago
Lots of red fruits, medium light body, easy drinking with some yummy spaghetti. — 8 years ago
So floral and pretty! Cherries and violets to start a Friday! Medium bodied, easy drinking with some cheese. — 8 years ago
A very typical chianti to have over lunch or a casual dinner. Easy drinking, easy to pair, easy to please the crowd. — 8 years ago
Eucalyptus and mint on the nose, cherries and chocolate on the palate. A great new world wine made in the old world style. — 9 years ago
Wendy Fava
Lots of pineapples and peaches but finishes dry. Paired with some curry and it's delectable. — 7 years ago