Idk but it smells like chicken blood and tastes metallic. It's quite awful. — 5 years ago
Well after it is aerated it tastes better. Tasted like skunk straight out of the bottle. And very acidic. Now that it has sat open for a day. Bold and oaky, a touch of sweet, maybe a note of berries. — a year ago
Sharp and metallic at first. But maybe a hint of citrusy. Feels really warm going down. Not really what I was looking for but itll do. — 4 years ago
This stuff is smoky and herby and well balanced. Love this! Would buy again. Didn't last an hour. — 5 years ago
Yahawa Ashaqua
Smell is spicy and acidic. Tastes about the way it smells. A little tart on the tongue and a bit smokey. Maybe an aerator would improve it. It's just not that great. — 4 months ago