Still in good shape a few years on, though lacking a bit of the brightness I cherish in Grenache — 8 years ago
not quite as rustic as I was expecting but it pulls off both pretty and interesting, which is never a given — 8 years ago
Maybe the best Napa Merlot I've ever had. 17 years old and sublimely fresh — 8 years ago
Over-extracted and over-oaked. It isn't objectively bad but it leaves me wondering, why? — 8 years ago
Ripe style but still enjoyable. — 8 years ago
This one hits all the right notes — 8 years ago
nice for a warm day in the park — 8 years ago
one of the hidden gems in BCN, solid all around in the glass — 8 years ago
It probably was at peak a couple years ago; it is still holding together fairly well but fraying a bit around the edges. Nice, but not stunning. — 8 years ago