Al Cap Del Carrer

Al Cap Del Carrer

La Serra d'Almos Vinyes Velles Montsant Red Blend


Very nice #Montsant it is a blend with #Garnacha and #Carignane and it seemed very fresh, very juicy and we drank the whole bottle in a flash. It’s lighter and less Mediterranean than other Monstsant. Fair price, quite reasonable — 3 years ago

Daniel P., Andrew and 8 others liked this

Philippe Valette

Et Pourtant... Chardonnay

Recomanat per la sonmelier del restaurant. S'obre al cap de mitja hora i s'allarga el gust — 10 years ago

Ricard and Ferran liked this

Ferré i Catasús

Cap de Trons Red Blend 2012

2012 per beure fresquet, millor al dia següent d'obert — 12 years ago

Marchesi Antinori

Guado al Tasso Bolgheri Superiore Red Bordeaux Blend 2011

Night cap for a nice Sunday! Beauty of the Coravin.

57% Cabernet Sauvignon, 25% Merlot, 15% Cabernet Franc, 3% Petit Verdot.

This puppy has held on quite well! Incredibly vibrant and barely developed.

👃Dark chocolate, espresso bean, decay/compost, green peppercorn, smoked nutmeg, grilled meat

👅creme de casis, luxardo cherry, clove, chocolate truffle, sandlewood, green bell pepper, herbes de Provence - firm tannin structure well integrated, medium plus acidity, and an everlasting grip of a finish.

Showing some great things right now! If you have some, keep holding on (just open one for good measure) and get more if possible.
— 7 years ago

Matt, Eric and 14 others liked this
Marshall Todd Herron DPM

Marshall Todd Herron DPM

...Always on point Matt! Great review.
Sean Herriott

Sean Herriott

If you're willing to spend around a C-note for World Class wine, Toscana is a great place to hunt.

Orenga de Gaffory

Impassitu Muscat du Cap Corse 2012

Mandala Wines. La Vuelta al Mundo en 80 vinos. 2ª etapa Córcega. 11.07.19 — 6 years ago


Special Cuvée Brut Champagne Blend

Groc palla pàlid i irisat . Bombolla finíssima i elegant Acidesa perfecte . Amb cos i gust potent i persistent fins al final marca de la casa. Pinot noir dominant. Etern. Cap d'Any. — 10 years ago