Needed food to be at its best. Smelled like eating bbq potato chips in a rose garden. Red fruit. Clay. Fun old wine. Was told archibald = arcus. — 10 years ago
Earth, mulled strawberries, bing cherries, sarsaparilla root, Big and rich with chewy tannins and soft acid. — 2 years ago
Tom Miller 1999 KWC horizontal tasting. #2 in 2nd flight. Rich with sassafras aroma s. almost amoro. Didn't get a pix of the label. — 8 years ago
Nearing the end of my cellar collection for this bad boy. Open one about every 6 - 9 months and they just keep delivering. This one had some caramel notes that snuck in to give texture to a still bold fruit delivery. Been a classic. — 6 years ago
Caraway and anise. — 8 years ago
joy horn
Arcus Vineyard. Bought from PG 10/24 $85. Typical delish pinit by PG. — 2 months ago