Great with spaghetti bolognese. Once again, this Augustinian abbey does not disappoint. — 6 years ago
This is my all time favorite beer. Been many places across the globe, can't stop thinking about it, can't wait to go back to DE for more. — 8 years ago
This is incredibly good. Fresh, delicious, but with a nice richness and incredible flavor. — 6 years ago
Gusto molto interessante — 11 years ago
Austin Hohnke
Medium bodied and aromatic with lots of spiced pear and stern acidity. Paired with broccolini and fried garlic chips, red pepper flakes, and charred lemon. Founded in the 12th century by the Augustinian Order of Canons Regular. Organically farmed by Monks. The Dolomites hold a very special place in my heart. — 9 months ago