A wine with tipicity, mediterranean character, complexity (intelligent blend) and length. I am defining Catalunya here when I read myself — 7 years ago
Claro en ausencia de sedimentos
Color: Granate Brillante con Destellos Violeta
Intensidad: Media Baja (sobrio)
Viscosidad: Media Baja
Intensidad: Media
Frutas Maduras
Frutos Rojos
Presencia Floral (Pétalos)
Especies: Ligera pimienta
Suelo orgánico
Madera: Muy leve
Extras: Cascara de Madera
Cuerpo: Medio
Acidez: Media Baja
Alcohol: Bajo
Taninos: Medio
Complejidad: Media Baja
Final: Largo
Equilibrado — 4 years ago
Chicks dig it. — 8 years ago
Morango no olfato. No paladar um pouco "rústico", o que mostra muito potencial para guarda. — 6 years ago
Fine nose with white pepper, red fruit, some dark hints, high acidity and good tannins. Elegant and fresh — 7 years ago
Roger Ray
"In this 2021 wine, the sumoll grapes add an interesting earthiness, a distinctly Mediterranean quality to what could have easily become a California like cab sav. Dried herbs join creamy oak and fruit in the nose which then becomes powerful ripe fruit and spice on the palate. This wine has earned multiple 90 plus point scores," — 10 months ago