Cabaud Wines

Cabaud Wines

Benedictions Oakville Cabernet Sauvignon

Holding the Booker & drinking this, made by Luc Morlet
Not seeing Parkers 96, or maybe Im just not a Missouri Hopper vineyard fan. Average retail $150.00?
— 8 years ago

Ron, David and 17 others liked this
Shawn R

Shawn R Influencer Badge Premium Badge

@Paul T your the moon! 😂
Paul T HB

Paul T HB

Well I'm flipping my last 3 bottles, just not my style. Especially at that price
Shawn R

Shawn R Influencer Badge Premium Badge

@Paul T you answered my question!👍

Cabaud Wines

La Brume de la Mer Sauvignon Blanc 2013

California Sauvignon Blanc?! J-M guessed white Bordeaux, which somehow seems closer than California. — 10 years ago

Camille Puglia
with Camille
Bloody liked this

Cabaud Wines

Mon Hommage Cabernet Sauvignon 2010

Really really enjoy this one. Pure fruit with a real back bone. Much enjoyed. — 10 years ago