Grapefruit, green apple flavors and crisp and refreshing. Sitting at a pleasant restaurant in Marseille, France tonight watching the sun set. — 6 years ago
Fantastic drinkable bargain of a French wine. The wife and I want to stash a case for dinner parties! — 8 years ago
Nice cab franc with not much nose, tasted and identified blind for its barnyardy, clay soil terroir. — 9 years ago
Loved this complexity and body. Uncorked. — 8 months ago
La chaleur de l'Espagne dans la fraîcheur de la pinède des Landes ! — 8 years ago
Nice sprightly balanced utility white house wine. Blend of 30 Gros Manseng, 30 "Sauvignon", 20 Columbard, and 20 Chardonnay. Good acid, nice fruit character with no nasty sweetness. Clay loam, minerality - Grand Bas Armagnac region, 8 generations. With the excellent elder-friendly ABV of 11.5. From Wine Cask; wine of the month @ $8. Got a case; could go for more. — 8 years ago
Выпито 18.08.23 в Хинкальная дворике большой компанией по случаю технического запуска 7-й скажины. Это вино очень низкого качества , но известно тем что произведено из урожая 2000 года в хозяйстве Жерара Депардье. — 2 years ago
Great red with a good, but not too strong, flavor. — 8 years ago
Very fruity, flowery aroma and no after taste. Easy to drink and no acidic note — 8 years ago
Michael Wehner
I like this. A lot — a month ago