Great tasting wine from Linda! Full bodied red with smooth finish. — 6 years ago
Great wine from Trader Joes — 11 years ago
I love this wine. It is perfume in all the right ways—that classic spritz feel Vinho Verde gives really lifts you just far enough from the roses and orange blossoms so you are gliding over the garden but choking in the aromas. And as your air-chariot (like a hoverboard but you get to sit) glides you also get to much some honeydew and all of it feels like how in THINK early morning sunrise dewy gardens should feel. There is also a vanilla bean nature but not like oak, more a body and richness heavy enough to give it gravity, but not so heavy your hoverboard-glider-chariot will crash. — 4 years ago
iv. What is thy mouth to me? A cup of sorrowful incense, A tree of keen leaves, An eager high ship, A quiver of superb arrows. What is thy breast to me? A flower of new prayer, A poem of firm light, A well of cool birds, A drawn bow trembling. What is thy body to me? A theatre of perfect silence, A chariot of red speed; And O, the dim feet Of white-maned desires! — 9 years ago
Lindsey Boyce
Enjoyed w Sorensen and Mac 🥹 — 8 months ago