Amazingly crisp! Not what I expected, in a good way. — 7 years ago
Brave and funky! — 7 years ago
Solid natural unfiltered wine. Syrah blend — 3 years ago
Bay Grape wine club. Pretty solid table red. — 7 years ago
I admit I’m sometimes a skeptic of clever labels, and seeing as I bought it a terrifically hip natty and natty-adjacent wine store I confess I went into this with a bad attitude but day-ummmm this is a thirst-quenching gulp of Savoie fare.
Lemon-y, light, seashells and daffodils it is springtime in a bottle which is astounding considering the guy skiing down the piste but I need to look up what the French says as I’m so many years past AP French lit I barely know how to say merde this is brilliant. You know what? It has this tickle though. Like it’s teasing at effervescence but it’s such a super-étoile it doesn’t need to sparkle to shine. — 4 years ago
Living up to its name, this “off-piste” skin-contact amphora-fermented high-altitude Pinot Grigio is so orange it’s rosé. Subtle floral nose (Alma says Jolly Rancher) that bursts like fresh picked fraise du bois on the palate, with enough grip to keep things interesting. — 6 years ago
Salty sailor — 7 years ago
Justin Michel
Dag 2 GV op de piste lekker fris en zonnig, het weer en de wijn — a year ago