Smooth and easy drinking, makes me think of a picnic or crisp spring evening. Notes of blackberry, blueberry, and black raspberry, herbal. Smooth whit light tannins, hint of spice on finish, lighter in body. — 5 years ago
Good wine fruity — 8 years ago
This tastes like champagne should taste like. Stunning. — 9 years ago
This is the Guglielmo Sagrantino, an Umbrian varietal which is uncommon in the US. It has a solid tannic structure without being too thick, and nice mineralogy. The flavor profile is slightly tart, making it a great pairing for Italian cuisine. Bellissimo! — 2 years ago
In an excellent place — 7 years ago
100% Dolcetto, 13.5% abv, 341 case production.
At first super briary and leather belt lashings reign supreme on both the nose and palate. Later on, as the wine opened up to me, it whispered tellings of a time where rhubarb cobbler and tart cherries fought for a plum's honor with light body armor and a sense of chivalry not seen in centuries past. — 7 years ago
Guiglielmo's 2017 Grigna-something rose wine just came out on Friday. It made for a perfect Monday drink to start the week out with an oenologically pleasing bang. Upon being recommended to do so by the tasting room attendant, we greatly enjoyed tasting rosemary flavored almonds with this rose. Surprisingly appropriate pairing. — 7 years ago
Oliver Kennan
Drinking with Marc on our first night in Cortona. Great after a little time opening up — 8 months ago