

Flora Adora Gin

This product won’t be to everyone’s taste, but I personally love it. The aroma is like perfume, rose and lavender, and the taste starts out as white peach and rose morphing to lavender and a Chartreuse-like herbaceousness. Juniper and rose on the finish. — 23 days ago


Small Batch Handcrafted Gin

봄베이 사파이어 다음으로 맛나는 진 — 5 years ago

Uncle Val's

Restorative Gin

Antoine Pin

Awesome. A domestic Hendrick's, coincidentally my favorite gin. 92pts/Click $39 — 8 years ago

Alison, Trixie and 1 other liked this

Square One

Cucumber Rye

Reminds me of Hendrick's without the gin botanicals. — 4 years ago


Orbium Gin

Nice 👍🏼
K&L notes as follows
am very surprised with this gin - the addition of quinine (not to mention the wormwood!) makes it a perfect gin for those, like me, that loves gin and tonic. You don't even have to add the tonic! Just some ice cubes and it will take you straight to paradise...

Orbium is Hendrick's reimagined. It's the same classic Hendrick's, but with the addition of quinine, wormwood, and blue lotus blossom. The results are a completely different gin that shows off many of the traditional gin cocktails in one beautiful pour.
— 5 years ago

Jason, Bob and 18 others liked this
Severn Goodwin

Severn Goodwin Influencer Badge Premium Badge

Yes, good Gin is great, neat. 👍

James Cole

Napa Valley Malbec 2010

David T

I am not the biggest fan of most Malbec's. The Mendoza's just aren't all that interesting. There generally quite simple and lack beauty & elegance! However, Chuck Hendrick's Malbec's impress. He makes the Hope & Grace and did until recently make the James Cole. You will be hard press to find another as elegant, smooth and fruit so ripe. One could sip this all night. Ripe black cherries, raspberries, cherries, touch of blue fruit, liquid violets, melted milk chocolate, the dark minerality is round & sweet, there's a faint presence of used wood shavings, touch of lite pepper on the tip of your tongue and a round mix of rich ripe fruit blend on the finish. Acidity is spot on! This will only continue to improve over the next 4-5 years +. — 8 years ago

Sofia, Ron and 12 others liked this

"Odedi" Influencer Badge

Sounds good


Lunar Gin

Nice with just an ice cube 🥰 — 4 years ago

Mike, Ron and 5 others liked this


Midsummer Solstice Limited Release Gin

Nice, floral gin .. excellent with elderflower tonic 🙌🏻 — 5 years ago

Jason, Tom and 6 others liked this

Greenhook Ginsmiths

American Dry Gin

Hugely floral and aromatic. Savory styled akin to Hendrick's. Elderflower comes through to give it an element of elegance. Extremely good. — 7 years ago

Bob, Jody and 12 others liked this

Hope & Grace

Napa Valley Malbec 2012

David T

Ruby ripe fruit berry mixed with dark & milk chocolate, violets, red roses, sweet silky wet brown earth, hints of spicebox. Flat out elegance and polished finish. I only want to drink Malbec made by Chuck Hendrick's. — 9 years ago

Eric, Sofia and 4 others liked this