Can’t recommend the wines from Meryl Croizier enough. Incredible value. — 7 years ago
This is an organic wine made through an all natural process. The winer is part of a new movement in France. The wine had a beautiful deep plummy flavor and sift finish. It was fizzy for a good part if the dinner. There were fruity tones but a nice dry finish. No harsh tannins but tasted heavier than a merlot. Very nice surprise. — 10 years ago
This is 100% Syrah — 8 years ago
This is Fumin Junior, with much more acidity. Besides that, there are heavy dark fruit flavors. This is much more explosive with heavy pasta and very spicy meat sauce. Wonderful! — 5 years ago
Beaujolais Villages. Delicious, not to flavourful type of wine you could drink for hours — 5 years ago
Delicious and funky. I imagine this is what wine tasted like 100 years ago. — 9 years ago
Francis le cave
Bouteille orpheline exposée dans la vitrine du restaurant le Pied de cochon à Montréal, transformé temporairement, pandémie oblige, en pizzeria/caviste. Une fois les formalités d'adoption complétées, ce rosé n'a pas eu à patienter longtemps avant de rencontrer la vrille. On est loin ici du rosé de canicule. Sérieux, séveux, avec un profil aromatique assez unique et difficilement descriptible. On y trouve un petit fruit rouge, mais en mode mineur. La courte finale nous empêche d'exagérer la notation, mais ne gâche en rien l'expérience. Beau hasard! — 4 years ago