Love this flavour of mike’s hard lemonade. A twist on a great classic — 7 years ago
Snagged this Sonoma North Coast 2014 fine thing at my local shop, in Morehead City, NC. Did same with a Jersey Mike's turkey sub sporting everything but for pickles. As corporate as that might read, I nonetheless suggest you do same - or something similar thereto. Most know how groovy Pinot Noir is with turkey, so, whether you have access to a crazy cool loaf of northern Cali sour dough and a fresh turkey from the wild or you are doing a JM #7, like me on another coast, this maroon draped fineness will likely turn your head, tilt the bottle, and pour over and over as you work your way through a full-benefit sandwich drenched by this gorgeous liquid lady bathed in boysenberry, cherry and blueberry that has snuggled with seemingly new but proper oak wrapped in Merlin's seaborne magic mist lending the upper oceanside forest's wet, wild spice exaggerated with each spin and spill that clings and lingers righteously reckoning with Quicksilver's vintage plea - " have another hit..."
PS find at PromiseLand Market — 7 years ago
So this is wine #3 on Mike's journey to finding the best bottle of wine under 15 bucks. If you want a fancy wine smell this ain't the place. I've been sniffing my glass like a bored Florida man sniffing paint and nothing. In my opinion it's great, not over powering at all. If I were to give it a smell it would probably be California wildfires from a couple of states away; light, but distinct.
After taste is amazing and pairs well with the premade butter chicken they have at costco. I can't emphasize how great of a deal that is. Same price per weight as normal chicken breast, but comes pre-prepped. Hints of cherry aftertaste. Not sure if that is due to the color playing mind tricks.
Had my first quarantine zoom date this week. Not sure if the wine helped, but the date on the bottle (2012) gave something to talk about before I started to fake that my internet started glitching. — 5 years ago
Mike's wine class: after opening 2 hours, its so great. #yjpinotnoir — 7 years ago
Very drinkable, friendly wine. Plums and jam, smooth and pleasant finish. Enjoyed at the Bears Den for Mike's 75th birthday. — 8 years ago
Mike's recommendation dts. Delicious I don't usually drink California's — 8 years ago
Mike's at Michelle's - so so so good with shrimp. 그냥 먹을땐 잘 모르겟지만 넘 맛남 ㅠ #yjcava #yjchampagne #yjblend #yj2013 — 7 years ago
Mike's wine class: 돈호프. 노트하이마 (northwein) vineyard. (숙성정도) 3단계 아우스리자. 미네랄리하지않구 넘 좋음:)
리블링 숙성정도:
((트로켄(trocken. Dry하다는뜻. 이라서 사실 아무데나 쓰일수잇다)) - 카비넷 kabinett - 쉬페잇리자 spatlese - 아우스리사 auslese (special harvest) - 비이렌 아우스리자 beeren auslese (=berry처럼 생겻다해서. BA) (아예 향이 강한 태국음식 중국음식같은걸 먹으면 단걸 맵고 느끼한걸 잡아줌. 꼬릿한것도..) - 토켄 베에렌 아우스리자 trocken (5-10 trees per bottle. Called TBA) (토켄은 고르곤졸라/홍어회같은 꼬릿꼬릿한거랑 먹음. 향이 5분이상 지속될 정도로 김)
#yjriesling #yjauslese #yj2003 #yjgermany — 7 years ago
So glad I tried some of Mike's syrahs this year. Just awesome aromatics with each site bringing something to the table. Great meaty notes that remind you are drinking a syrah and not some manipulated red wine. No hint of heat. Stemmy of course but the fruit is there. Don't have it side by side but the halcon might be my favorite. — 8 years ago
From week of July 11. From Gloria and Mike's trip to France.. — 2 years ago