Oiharte Sagardotegia

Isastegi Sagardotegia

Sagardo Naturala

Why drink beer when you could drink this instead? — 2 years ago

Trixie liked this


Astigarragako Sagardoa Basque Cider

Desmond Echavarrie

Sagardotegia Sarasola - one of my favorite Basque ciders. What a find in Seattle! — 12 years ago

Julia, Angela and 1 other liked this
Jeff Ames

Jeff Ames Influencer Badge

Was that on a list somewhere or retail?
Desmond Echavarrie

Desmond Echavarrie Influencer Badge

It was on one the better cider lists in Seattle at Bar Sajor
Jeff Ames

Jeff Ames Influencer Badge

Sweet, will go chk it out.

Arratzain Sagardotegia

Arratzain Sidra Natural Ekologikoa 2016

This goes perfect with Elvis.
👃 floral, yeast
👅 Bacterial sourness with a touch more sugar than the others we reviewed.
— 7 years ago

Astarbe de Astigarraga

Byhur 24 Sagardo Aparduna Sidre

Angel Martinez

Champenoise Cider. 24months. #Astarbe #Sagardotegia — 9 years ago

Jose and Jose liked this

Oiharte Sagardotegia

Sidra Natural

👃 sour apples
👅 Very dry and sour. Bacterial sourness.
Purchased at Spanish Table $9.99
— 7 years ago

Urbitarte Sagardotegia


Interesting sour cider from the Basque. Green apples & prominent green olives - Like drinking the juice out of a green olive jar. Tangy and nicely fermented. — 8 years ago

Chris liked this