仙禽 Dark Vader of sake. Medium body yeasty beast with dry rice yogurt finish. Just mesmerised by the origami polygons on the bottle — 6 years ago
Un vin équilibré, plus adapté à des plats "fins" plutôt qu'au fromage. Syrah plus intéressant que son frère Garnatxa — 9 years ago
This review is not about the wine. This review is solely about tok which is possibly the best restaurant Kris has found independent of Danny. She doesn’t recall the origin; what she searched and when? Unsure. Though as the destination in Hoi An to celebrate 48 with Danny and his parents: exceptional. To be fair, this whole trip has been remarkable in only good ways. The White Lotus arrival at The Nam Hai. The upgrade to the three bedroom villa (compound). Nayuu and the origami welcome back … but we digress. tok and its chicharron and veggie chips. The ceviche and clams and prawns… plus cauliflower, flank steak, and last minute addition of mushroom ravioli. Everything was exceptional. More than 5 stars… 10 stars. All the stars! A requirement each trip back (we will return for 49!). — 12 days ago
This wine is a marvel of complexity that unfold as the minutes tick by. At first an herbal salt n pepper bomb it unfolds little by little like a delicate origami crane (clearly I’ve been crafting) to show its angles. A soundly linear wine with a...not quite a kick...but a huzzah in the bitter greens direction. And a bedrock of cola. Cherry cola. My favorite part of Pinot noir is the cola-leaden earth. Macerated black cherries hold down the fort. For all this complexity it is a straight shooting wine: the pal with a crazy life story who can distill information into NPR-worthy sound bites. It’s a beautiful babe that I think will hold up for years. Looking forward to seeing the flowers and earth in, say, 2021. — 7 years ago
Like a day in Providence, RI. — 5 years ago
A fantastic sparkling pet-nat. Kumquat and Meyer lemon notes. — 5 years ago
Delphine says it's good with anything that isn't vegetarian. — 9 years ago
Donald Williams
Nice accompaniment for a mid-week meal of goulash and green beans. — 10 days ago