Some fantastic Irish whiskey for the price!! — 4 years ago
This stuff is dangerous. Smooth, light on the tongue, but not simple. A light gold color, some kind of melon note and vanilla flavors. Great at this price; points for cost/benefit ratio. At Cory's in the freezing cold. — 4 years ago
Wow. Smooth. Paris Louvre — 6 months ago
还行,其实特点并不是很明显,但性价比还行。 — a year ago
Is hard to imagine how anything could be much better from nose to lingering finish. But, I'll keep searching for the perfect dram. — 4 years ago
A good one worth savoring with every sip! — 4 years ago
Norman Gennaro
Just read an article saying the “neck pour” issue is BS. Well I still believe in it. This got better in the glass but I’m betting even better next tasting. It’s light in color and in the finish. This is an easy drinker. Not sure the proof but it’s not over the top. I’m assuming 80ish or at least that’s how it comes across. — 5 months ago